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Falmouth Wettervorhersage und Live-Windkarte

Wind- und Wellenwettervorhersage für Cleveland East Ledge, United States, United States enthält detaillierte Informationen über die lokale Windgeschwindigkeit, -richtung und -böen. Die Wellenvorhersage umfasst Wellenhöhe und -periode. Windy.app bietet auch eine allgemeine Wettervorhersage: Temperatur, Luftdruck, Wolkendecke, Niederschlag und Gezeiten.

Diese Vorhersagen für Cleveland East Ledge, United States basieren auf dem GFS-Modell und wurden für Windsurfen, Kitesurfen, Segeln und andere Extremsportarten entwickelt. Alle Daten werden 4 Mal pro Tag aktualisiert. Die Vorhersagen sind in Schritten von 1 bis 3 Stunden für bis zu 10 Tage verfügbar.

Closest meteostation (4.74km):

Live wind-Karte

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Orte in der Nähe

Cape Cod Bay, United States • 42km
6 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Buzzards Bay, Cuttyhunk, United States • 36km
6 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Martha's Vineyard, United States • 25km
6 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Buzzzards Bay, United States • 16km
5 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Vineyard Haven, United States • 20km
5 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Woods Hole, United States • 12km
5 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Partly cloudy


BoardStiff Provincetown
BoardStiff Provincetown

For your outdoor activities, we have all kinds of boards...Surf Boards, Skate Boards, Skim Boards, StandUp Paddle Boards (we even RENT these)...along with all the necessary accessories like paddles, wetsuits, helmets, protection pads, wheels, trucks, underwater speakers, phone and tablet aqua-protectors, Avex water bottles, etc.

Liberte, The Schooner
Liberte, The Schooner

Custom built for sailing, comfort, and fun the Liberte is a grand experience for all. Our cruising grounds are some of the most beautiful and historic in the country. The captain and crew are dedicated to your safety, comfort, and enjoyment

Patriot Party Boats
Patriot Party Boats

Come fishing or cruising with us for one of the highpoints of your visit to Cape Cod. At Patriot Boats our goal is to improve the recreational lives of our customers, and to achieve this we have captains and crew that will make your experience memorable.

Cape Cod Kayak
Cape Cod Kayak

We will match any competitors price on kayaks, sups, & roof racks and give you a free lesson when you buy a new kayak!

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