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Moskva Wettervorhersage und Live-Windkarte

Wind- und Wellenwettervorhersage für Горнолыжный спуск Воробьевы Горы, Russia enthält detaillierte Informationen über die lokale Windgeschwindigkeit, -richtung und -böen. Die Wellenvorhersage umfasst Wellenhöhe und -periode. Windy.app bietet auch eine allgemeine Wettervorhersage: Temperatur, Luftdruck, Wolkendecke, Niederschlag und Gezeiten.

Diese Vorhersagen für Горнолыжный спуск Воробьевы Горы basieren auf dem GFS-Modell und wurden für Windsurfen, Kitesurfen, Segeln und andere Extremsportarten entwickelt. Alle Daten werden 4 Mal pro Tag aktualisiert. Die Vorhersagen sind in Schritten von 1 bis 3 Stunden für bis zu 10 Tage verfügbar.

Closest meteostation (11.35km):

Live wind-Karte

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Orte in der Nähe

Moscow, Russia (Москва) • 6km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain
Strogino, Russia (Строгино) • 12km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain
Podolsk fields, Russia (Подольские поля) • 25km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain
Moscow - Pirogovo - Яхт клуб Пирогово • 32km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain
Russian Federation - Москва Шереметьево • 30km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain
Строгинская пойма • 12km
4 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Light rain



Ski equipment rental and ski service in Meshchersky Park "MesherSKIservice".

Ski section of sports school № 93
Ski section of sports school № 93

Children and youth sports school № 93 invites children from 6 to 14 years to the ski racing section

Devi club
Devi club

Outdoor workout from Olympic dynasty Deviatiarov


Сеть магазинов спортивной одежды и оборудования для водных (кайтинга, виндсерфинга, вейка) и зимних (сноубординга, лыж) видов спорта.

SUP center Moscow
SUP center Moscow

Предлагаем Вам погрузиться в мир серфинга. Самый модный вид серфинга — серфинг с веслом теперь в 20 минутах от дверей жителя Москвы!


Рыболовно-охотничьи базы

aLiSki club
aLiSki club

The task of the school "aLiSki" is to create for children in the process of learning skiing the most comfortable environment that will allow them to open up, get the joy of training, and, most importantly, will help the child to learn to ride confidently and correctly on any slopes!


Lata Track -a sports complex located in the West of Moscow in the Krylatskoye area, designed for both winter and summer sports and entertainment. In winter, the complex opens the slopes for skiing and snowboarding training. We also offer you a family type of sports entertainment-tubing. In the warmer months, the Olympic Cycling road is open, as well as a variety of sports facilities for summer sports: football, volleyball, tennis, athletics.

AllPro Park
AllPro Park

Learning to ride from scratch to freestyle

Ski school Krylov
Ski school Krylov

Ski school Krylov in Moscow-training skiing and snowboarding children and adults of any level of training

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