Silvaplana pronóstico del tiempo y mapa de viento en vivo

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Silvaplana pronóstico del tiempo y mapa de viento en vivo

Pronóstico meteorológico de viento y olas para Silvaplana, Switzerland, Switzerland contiene información detallada sobre la velocidad, la dirección y las ráfagas del viento locales. El pronóstico de olas incluye la altura y el período de las olas. igualmente proporciona un pronóstico general del tiempo: temperatura, presión del aire, nubosidad, precipitación y mareas.

Estos pronósticos para "Place" Silvaplana, Switzerland se basan en el modelo GFS y fueron creados para windsurf, kitesurf, vela y otras actividades de deportes extremos. Todos los datos se actualizan 4 veces al día. Las predicciones están disponibles en pasos de 1 a 3 horas durante un máximo de 10 días.

Closest meteostation (6.26km):

Mapa de viento en vivo

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Actividad de Spot Popular — Kitesurfing

Mejor época del año

Mayo — Septiembre

Mejor época del año

Working wind directions


Working wind directions

Estado del agua

Little chop, chop

Estado del agua

Nivel de exigencia


Nivel de exigencia

Spots cercanos

Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland (Silvaplanersee) • 1km
2 m/s, South -4 °C, Snow
Livigno • 28km
2 m/s, Southwest -6 °C, Light snow
St. Moritz • 5km
3 m/s, South -5 °C, Light snow
Bernina Pass • 18km
1 m/s, Southwest -4 °C, Snow
Davosersee • 40km
4 m/s, Southeast -4 °C, Light rain


Giacometti Sport Maloja
Giacometti Sport Maloja

Gemeinsam mit meinem team legen wir großen Wert darauf, das beste aus Ihrer Zeit in der einzigartigen Maloja, im Oberengadin und im Bergell zu machen. Unser Credo ist es, das bewährte zu bewahren, offen für neue Ideen zu sein und alles mit Kreativität und von Herzen zu tun.

St Moritz Ski School
St Moritz Ski School

To make the most of your ski holiday at join St Moritz Ski School European Snowsport, the leader of private ski and snowboard lessons. We employ professional instructors from all over the world who love to teach, speak your language and strive for your enjoyment.


The Swiss ski school Corvatsch AG recommends itself for the whole school of winter sports by in Surlej / Silvaplana, Sils und Maloja.

Skiservice Corvatsch
Skiservice Corvatsch

We are sure that you will enjoy your favorite sport. Are you in the mood for a comfortable day of skiing with your family? Or, are you tempted to have a crack on off-piste skiing? In the summer you have a choice between races across the path of flow or relaxed sightseeing by e-bike. No matter what time of year you decide to be active, we will have the right outfit for you!

Intersport Rent Network
Intersport Rent Network

Snownight and rental materials at the best price.

Skiservice Engadin St. Moritz
Skiservice Engadin St. Moritz

No matter what time of year you decide to be active, we will have the right outfit for you!

Suvretta Snowsports
Suvretta Snowsports

We want to make your holidays even more experience packed and restful thanks to the quality of our service.

Swiss Ski School St. Moritz
Swiss Ski School St. Moritz

The largest Swiss ski school offers classes and private lessons for children and adults. On those slopes, which since 1929 are on the ski slopes, which could transfer their Knowledge to this day.


Philosophy of the ski school: PassionSki as a Slow ski school focuses on a slow and conscious Consuming, and life. Enjoyment, joy and authenticity are very important values for us. Nature is rediscovered as a structuring instance.

Testa Sport
Testa Sport

Enjoy the freedom to choose for yourself, your family or friends, what is most fun on the slopes: skis, Snowblade, Big Foot, Snowboards, on request the suitable boots, snow shoes, sledges, skates.

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