Pronóstico meteorológico de viento y olas para Progress, Mexico (Progreso), Mexico contiene información detallada sobre la velocidad, la dirección y las ráfagas del viento locales. El pronóstico de olas incluye la altura y el período de las olas. igualmente proporciona un pronóstico general del tiempo: temperatura, presión del aire, nubosidad, precipitación y mareas.
Estos pronósticos para "Place" Progress, Mexico (Progreso)se basan en el modelo GFS y fueron creados para windsurf, kitesurf, vela y otras actividades de deportes extremos. Todos los datos se actualizan 4 veces al día. Las predicciones están disponibles en pasos de 1 a 3 horas durante un máximo de 10 días.
The city of Progreso is one of the windiest kiteboarding beaches in Mexico for kiteboarding. This port is located in Yucatan state, on the Gulf of Mexico in the north-west of the state just 25 min. north from Merida by highway. Progreso has the Scorpion Reef with its 5 islets 130 kilometers offshore.
The water is not very deep, 10 mt. deep 4 km out to sea. You can walk out about 100 meters till water gets to your neck. Little shore break, wind chop, no waves, sometimes get strong.
The choppy water will come from the northeast, when the trade winds are blowing from that same direction (most prevalent wind). Usually when there is a high pressure system from the north (`Norte winds`), the waves can get a bit higher. The water can get a little bit brown with the nortes season because the high winds and chop, churn up the sand from the ocean floor. This is mostly from November to early March. The rest of the year the water is a nice light blueish green color. Sometimes there can be a little bit of sea weed, just near the shore. The best wind direction: NE. Main Direction: N, NNE, NE, SE, SW
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