Para Skrzyczne, Szczyrk, Poland Wind forecast

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Wind forecast

Wind direction is East, wind speed varies between 2.2 and 8.9 mph with gusts up to 24.5 mph. The sky is cloudy with a chance of rain 5%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Para Skrzyczne, Szczyrk, Poland, Poland contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Para Skrzyczne, Szczyrk, Poland are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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Closest meteostation (35.32km):

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Sport Rent
Sport Rent

Ski rental wisla-service-tuning-sharpening.


Training individual and group classes on skis and snowboard at any level of complexity. Our classes are taught by qualified instructors, including AWF graduates. Children will be conducted by instructors with pedagogical education. We guarantee you fun and fast progress. For the youngest adherents of " white madness after class waiting for awards that motivate further study.

Xtraining Świat Przygody
Xtraining Świat Przygody

We have a license SITN-PZN - identification mark of the best and most reliable ski schools. Classes in our School are teachers with years of experience and real rights. Our staff consists of former athletes, Champions of Poland, former members of the national staff, winners of many competitions, teachers, AWF graduates.

Wypożyczalnia WINTERGROUP
Wypożyczalnia WINTERGROUP

We meet the needs of ski enthusiasts. Choosing a ski or snowboard in our rental, based on several information about your skills and driving style, we will find the perfect equipment for you, and the ideal equipment-this equipment is new.


On the site we offer ski/snowboard rental for children and adults , hot grease , sharpening skis/snowboards , adjustment / installation of mates , as well as polite and pleasant service.

Szkoła Narciarska Brenna-ski
Szkoła Narciarska Brenna-ski

The choice of an instructor depends on the safety of Your and your loved ones. Safe skiing lessons only with the INSTRUCTOR pbuh.


JAR - SKI SZKOŁA NARCIARSKA is a group of people for whom skiing is a passion! We create professionally trained instructor staff with license, peace to him and blessing and SITN.

Ski - Carv
Ski - Carv

Ski station "Cieńków, which runs Ski-Carv ski School, is one of the best family stations in the Vistula. It offers skiers a modern cable car with four-seater chairs with a capacity of 2200 people per hour.

Skizy. Szkoła narciarska
Skizy. Szkoła narciarska

The licensed ski School "SKIZY" is a group of avid skiers and snowboarders who form a close-knit team of professionally trained and experienced instructors, peace be upon him and blessing and PZSN.


CienkowSki HIRE AND INSTRUCTORS is the point closest to the ski station Zenkov. It is an ideal place for people looking for ski storage, adapted to their needs, and for those who want to start an adventure with skiing or polishing their skills.

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