Rohuneeme, Estonia (Rohuneeme): weather statistics and wind history

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Popular spot activity — Kitesurfing

Best season

March — October

Best season

Working wind directions

S, SW, W, NW

Working wind directions

Water conditions


Water conditions

Water depth

from 1m to 2m

Water depth

Level of riding

Level of riding

Kite sizes

8 - 17

Kite sizes

Nearby spots

Pirita, Tallinn, Estonia • 11km
5 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Tallinn, Estonia • 15km
4 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Kakumae, Estonia (Kakumäe) • 19km
5 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Stroomi Beach, Tallinn, Estonia • 16km
5 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Tallinna laht, Estonia • 10km
5 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Paljassaare, Estonia • 12km
5 m/s, South 0 °C, Partly cloudy

Estonia top spots


Vimka - Viimsi Maepark
Vimka - Viimsi Maepark

The mission of Viimsi Mäeparg is to offer all-year-round activities for the whole family and promote the mountain sports. Just 20 minutes drive from the center of Tallinn, you can find the longest hillside in the immediate vicinity of the capital.

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