ширяево: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Samara, Russia (Самара) • 24km
1 m/s, Northwest +21 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Набережная Волги Самара • 24km
2 m/s, Northwest +22 °C, Partly cloudy
Самара • 25km
2 m/s, North +22 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Поджабный затон • 28km
2 m/s, Northwest +22 °C, Partly cloudy
Гранный • 28km
2 m/s, Northwest +22 °C, Partly cloudy
Аэродром Самара (Курумоч) UWWW • 14km
3 m/s, Northwest +21 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Samara - Golodnyi island • 5km
2 m/s, Northwest +21 °C, Partly cloudy

Russia top spots


Freestyle school
Freestyle school

The school has groups for initial training (children from 5 years), and training groups and groups of sports improvement. There are also private lessons at a convenient time for you.


"Омега-Марин" - это группа единомышленников, профессионалов своего дела, всегда понимающая, что основная миссия компании - это удовлетворение нужд и желаний своих потребителей в сфере активного отдыха на воде, природе или просто в путешествии.

Forest Fun
Forest Fun

The recreation center "Forest Fun" with its cordiality invites everyone who wants to diversify their leisure fun winter fun.

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