Соколинское : weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Приморск • 33km
1 m/s, North -8 °C, Partly cloudy
Vyborg, Russia (Выборг) • 4km
0 m/s, North -18 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Желтая бухта • 46km
2 m/s, North -12 °C, Partly cloudy
Выборг • 6km
0 m/s, North -19 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - высоцк • 8km
1 m/s, Northwest -14 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Советский • 14km
1 m/s, Northwest -12 °C, Partly cloudy
Высокинское • 43km
1 m/s, Northeast -12 °C, Partly cloudy

Russian Federation top spots


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Загородный клуб Пихтовое

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