Cambridge Wind forecast

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Cambridge Wind forecast

Wind direction is North, wind speed varies between 8.9 and 11.2 mph with gusts up to 22.3 mph. The sky is clear with a chance of rain 2%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Cambridge, United Kingdom, United Kingdom contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Cambridge, United Kingdom are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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Nearby spots

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Hartford Marina • 23km
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Hunts SC • 18km
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Cambridge Canoe Club
Cambridge Canoe Club

We cater for both recreational and competitive paddlers who wish to take part in all forms of canoeing and kayaking in and around Cambridge. Activities take place all year round and include local and national paddling trips on both flat water and white water. We also have regular pool sessions at the Abbey Swimming Pool where beginners and experienced paddlers alike can practice technique and receive instruction in warm water conditions all year round.

Granta Moorings
Granta Moorings

 Let our University Crew take you down river, perfect for those who want to just kick back and relax… Or try our self rental punting and canoe option – ideal for the freedom to set your own itinerary and go independently.

Darwin College Boat Club 
Darwin College Boat Club 

Darwin rowers train throughout the academic year and participate in numerous races each term. We are a relaxed and friendly bunch of graduates, and always encourage anyone who wishes to join DCBC at any level.

Scudamore's Boatyard Punt Station
Scudamore's Boatyard Punt Station

We pride ourselves on our warm welcome, unrivalled service and have designed our services around you. Treat yourself to one of our award-winning Cambridge tours or explore the river yourself on one of our punts, kayaks or Canadian canoes.

Trinity College Punts
Trinity College Punts

Trinity maintains a Punt Scheme, which is open both to members of College and to members of the general public. The punts are located off the Avenue, on the east side of the Cam next to Garret Hostel Lane (just east of New Court). Punts are available for hire each year from the Thursday before Easter (Maundy Thursday) until mid-October. The Punt House usually opens each day at 11 am (Mon – Fri) and 10 am (Weekends). Hiring finishes at 5.30 pm. and punts must be returned by 6.30 pm. each day. Only members of the College may hire punts overnight, by prior arrangement with the Punt Keeper.

Clare College Boat House
Clare College Boat House

Clare Boat Club offers students the chance to learn to row then to train and race, all at a low enough cost that no-one is deterred from taking part. Alumni will know that, as well as maintaining physical fitness, rowing is a demanding but mentally relaxing antidote to the stresses of academic work.

Corpus Christi Boat Club
Corpus Christi Boat Club

The boat club of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Founded in 1828 and rowing continuously on the Cam since then. Sponsored by Kilimanjaro Live

Downing College Boat Club
Downing College Boat Club

We are consistently one of the most successful clubs on the Cam, with both men’s and women’s 1st VIIIs in the top five of the Lents and Mays since 2011. We also field several other VIIIs every year, allowing for a variety of levels of ability and commitment, and a thriving social scene.

Girton College Boat Club
Girton College Boat Club

Girton College Boat Club is the rowing club for members of Girton College, Cambridge.

Sidney Sussex Boat Club
Sidney Sussex Boat Club

Sidney Sussex Boat Club is the student rowing club of Sidney Sussex College, part of the University of Cambridge. The aim of SSBC is to make rowing accessible to any member of College. As well as racing on the Cam, SSBC is represented at local and regional regattas, such as Bedford and Peterborough.

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