Pärnu 天気予報とライブ風マップ



Pärnu 天気予報とライブ風マップ

以下のための風と波の予報: Parnu, Estonia (Pärnu), Estonia 地域の風速と、風向、そして突風に関する詳細な情報が含まれています。波の予報には波高と時間帯が含まれています。また、Windy.appは気温や、気圧、雲量、降雨、そして潮汐などの一般的な天気予報も提供しています。

以下のための予報:」 Parnu, Estonia (Pärnu) はGFSモデルに基づいており、ウインドサーフィンや、カイトサーフィン、セーリング、そして他のエクストリームスポーツのために作られています。すべてのデータは1日に4回更新されます。予報は最大で10日まで1時間から3時間の段階でご利用いただけます。

Closest meteostation (4.07km):




Haademeeste, Estonia (Häädemeeste) • 32km
1 m/s, East +1 °C, Partly cloudy
Pärnu Jahtklubi • 3km
0 m/s, Southeast -1 °C, Partly cloudy
Latvia - Estonia Parnu [flat] • 3km
1 m/s, East -1 °C, Partly cloudy
valgerand • 9km
0 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Partly cloudy
Haademeeste • 32km
1 m/s, East +1 °C, Partly cloudy
audru surf • 10km
0 m/s, Southeast 0 °C, Partly cloudy



Veelauasõit ja veelõbud Pärnu jõel

Seikle Vabaks
Seikle Vabaks

Pakume Teile ülivahvaid seiklusi vabas looduses – nii maismaal kui merel! Ja seda aastaringselt! Tule üksi, koos sõbra, kolleegi või veel parem – tule koos perega! Seiklusteni!

Parnu Surf Center
Parnu Surf Center

Pärnu local surf center, which started in 2007 as a local surf shop called MaxWave. It is open all year and run by Pärnu’s most dedicated surfers. In the surf center you can visit Pärnu’s only surf shop, which is Estonian importer of world famous Naish, C-Skins, Underwave surf brands. You can also rent variety of watersports equipment - lightweight premium Naish SUP boards, 3 seat pedal boats or 1-3 seat kayaks, sunbeds, skimboards. You can learn surfing from very experienced local IKO instructors with newest gear.

Aloha Surf
Aloha Surf

Chill with us in Café Aloha, try how the SUP (stand-up paddling) works, take a kayak to discover the Pärnu bay, slide with skimboard or take time and learn how to kite- and windsurf!

Rapala Esti AS
Rapala Esti AS

Rapala has been the world's favorite fishing lure since 1936. Today, Rapala lures, knives, tools and accessories are trusted by fishermen in over 140 countries

Margus Tomp
Margus Tomp

Canoe and kayak rental


Rendime kaatreid, mis on varustatud navigatsiooniseadme, kajaloodi ja ridvahoidjatega. Kaatrid pakuvad lõbu ning sõidunaudingut kuni 4-le huvilisele. Meie kaatrite juhtimiseks EI NõUTA väikelaevajuhi tunnistust. Igaüks saab hakkkama.

Linda Jaht
Linda Jaht

Lõbusõidud Pärnu lahel nii peredele, sõpradele kui ka suurematele gruppidele! Küsi julgesti!

Parnu Yacht Club
Parnu Yacht Club

Pärnu Port located at the mouth of Pärnu River is the largest marina in the Southwest and South Estonia. Due to its great location, modern conditions and comprehensive possibilities, Pärnu Yacht Club welcomes visitors from the land and the sea. The Club was founded in 1906 and it has organised the activity of the marina and held regattas for more than a hundred years. We also have an experience with the organisation of major international regattas.

Parnu Sadam
Parnu Sadam

Ship schedule
