Beach El Miracle, Spain (Playa El Miracle): Wetterstatistik und Windgeschichte

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Beliebte Spot-Aktivität — Surfing

Beste Saison

September — Februar

Beste Saison

Typische Windrichtungen


Typische Windrichtungen




Typ der Brandung


Typ der Brandung

Beste Gezeiten

Alle Gezeiten

Beste Gezeiten




Typischer Wellengang

N, W

Typischer Wellengang




Orte in der Nähe

Cambrils, Spain • 19km
5 m/s, Northwest +15 °C, Clear sky
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Spain • 31km
5 m/s, Northwest +15 °C, Clear sky
Salou, Spain • 11km
5 m/s, West +15 °C, Clear sky
Torredembarra, Spain • 16km
5 m/s, West +15 °C, Clear sky
La Pineda, Spain • 8km
5 m/s, West +15 °C, Clear sky
Port de Segur de Calafell • 30km
5 m/s, West +15 °C, Clear sky
Calafell, Spain • 31km
5 m/s, West +15 °C, Clear sky

Spain top spots



Situada a primera línia de mar, al mig del passeig Jaume I, la millor terrassa de Salou on poder degustar una gran varietat de pizzes, pasta, amanides...

Playoff Forum Tarragona
Playoff Forum Tarragona

Punto de referencia en Vilaseca con una combinación entre ¡TapasyCopas! Un ambiente musical agradable. Todo el fútbol en 4 pantallas HD

Petit Bar
Petit Bar

un lieu juste super. Des tapas excellents, avec un personnel au top. Un restaurant ou il ne faut pas hésiter une seule seconde.

Bus Stop Salou
Bus Stop Salou

The music here is all English and there are loads of English people milling about, it's a great club and definitely worth checking out. It's really good for dancing too especially later on in the night as there are more people but then thats expected with any club.

Bar Restaurant Broodje Van Kootje
Bar Restaurant Broodje Van Kootje

Hollands eethuisje Cocina holandesa Dutch kitchen

El Rinconcito De Manel
El Rinconcito De Manel

El mejor rincón de Salou con vistas y puestas de sol inmejorables, donde tomar algo. Nuestra especialización son los cócteles, elaborados con fruta fresca y natural.

The Bell Tavern
The Bell Tavern

Known for being one of Salou's top spots for a good breakfast. We offer a full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu from morning until night and also great cocktails and ice cold beer.

Flower Of Scotland
Flower Of Scotland

Scottish Bar showing major live sports events Karaoke Flower of Scotland style of a night .Tea ,coffee and cakes served of a daytime

Danny Boy
Danny Boy

With Live Music Every night and all of the main sporting events shown on large screens, there is never a dull moment at Danny Boy Salou.

Dubliner Salou
Dubliner Salou

Dubliner offers tasty homemade meals and live music everynight throughout the summer in salou. Homemade staff, friendly food ;-)

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