Barrio Wettervorhersage und Live-Windkarte

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Wettervorhersage und Live-Windkarte

Wind- und Wellenwettervorhersage für Barrio, Philippines enthält detaillierte Informationen über die lokale Windgeschwindigkeit, -richtung und -böen. Die Wellenvorhersage umfasst Wellenhöhe und -periode. bietet auch eine allgemeine Wettervorhersage: Temperatur, Luftdruck, Wolkendecke, Niederschlag und Gezeiten.

Diese Vorhersagen für Barrio basieren auf dem GFS-Modell und wurden für Windsurfen, Kitesurfen, Segeln und andere Extremsportarten entwickelt. Alle Daten werden 4 Mal pro Tag aktualisiert. Die Vorhersagen sind in Schritten von 1 bis 3 Stunden für bis zu 10 Tage verfügbar.

Live wind-Karte

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Beliebte Spot-Aktivität — Surfing

Beste Saison

September — Februar

Beste Saison

Typische Windrichtungen


Typische Windrichtungen


Riffe, Korallenriffe


Typ der Brandung


Typ der Brandung

Beste Gezeiten

Mittel bis Hoch

Beste Gezeiten




Typischer Wellengang


Typischer Wellengang


Nicht stark


Orte in der Nähe

General Luna, Siargao, Philippines • 9km
5 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain
Cloud Nine, General Luna, Philippines • 10km
5 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain
Siargao island, Philippines • 25km
2 m/s, Northwest +27 °C, Light rain
Cloud 9 • 10km
5 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain
5 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain
Jacking Horse • 10km
5 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain
Stimpy's • 12km
4 m/s, West +26 °C, Light rain


Surfing Carabao Beach Houses
Surfing Carabao Beach Houses

Surfing Carabao beach houses offers quality accommodation with a view to pacific ocean. 

Sandy Feet Siargao
Sandy Feet Siargao

Sandy Feet Siargao welcomes its guests with unparalleled serenity and comfort.  If you’re looking for a peaceful,

Siargao Divers Club
Siargao Divers Club

There are still many undiscovered dive sites to be explored by you. Diving around Siargao Island has been long sought after by local Filipino scuba divers and foreigners alike.

Palaka Dive Center
Palaka Dive Center

Palaka Siargao Dive Center is an international scuba diving and freediving school on Siargao Island.

Turtle Surf Camp Siargao
Turtle Surf Camp Siargao

We want our guests to feel that they are staying at a house and not a typical resort. A place they can call home where they can slice their own mango, learn local cuisines, do barbecues, play card and board games, play music, do yoga, watch surf videos and movies, get acquainted with locals and also surfers from around the world. A perfect mix of local and international scene.

Turtle Surf Camp
Turtle Surf Camp

Turtle Surf Camp opened its doors to the world on December 2012, owned by Enrique, a spanish adventure seeker and water sports lover, who once came to the island to learn how to surf, and got captivated by its magic.

La Luna Island Resort
La Luna Island Resort

This is a great place to catch the local island vibe, connect to the islanders and have a private and meaningful experience.

Buddha’s Surf Resort
Buddha’s Surf Resort

Set in the heart of Siargao Island Surf community, the resort is ideal for tourists and surfers alike.

Kermit Surf Resort and Restaurant Siargao
Kermit Surf Resort and Restaurant Siargao

Located at the heart of the tropical oasis Siargao Island in the Philippines, Kermit aims to give you an island experience like no other, all at an affordable price.

Kermit Surf Resort and Restaurant Siargao
Kermit Surf Resort and Restaurant Siargao

Located at the heart of the tropical oasis Siargao Island in the Philippines, Kermit aims to give you an island experience like no other, all at an affordable price. Even when serving the best Italian cuisine in the island, we still make sure to give guests a full local experience through island tours, surfing and activities promoting eco friendly and sustainable initiatives. We are also home to the best local surfers in the island who share the stoke through surf lessons and packages.

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