姚家坞村: Wetterstatistik und Windgeschichte

Holen Sie sich Ihren Code:   

Orte in der Nähe

Chang'anzhen, China (富阳永安山起飞场) • 30km
1 m/s, Southeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
Hangzhou, China (杭州市) • 20km
1 m/s, East +20 °C, Partly cloudy
杭州富阳永安山滑翔伞基地起飞场 • 31km
1 m/s, Southeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
永安山起飞场 • 31km
1 m/s, Southeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
永安山 降落场 • 31km
1 m/s, Southeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
云石国际滑翔伞基地 • 15km
1 m/s, South +19 °C, Partly cloudy
亚联飞行(桐洲岛)航空营地 • 37km
1 m/s, Southeast +17 °C, Partly cloudy


Hangzhou SCUBA Garments Co
Hangzhou SCUBA Garments Co

At Hangzhou Scuba Garments Co. Ltd, our main products are focused on the swimsuit market, with an emphasis on beach shorts. We are located in Hangzhou, which is only about an hour outside of Shanghai.

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