Los Angeles pronóstico del tiempo y mapa de viento en vivo
Pronóstico meteorológico de viento y olas para Los Angeles, United States, United States contiene información detallada sobre la velocidad, la dirección y las ráfagas del viento locales. El pronóstico de olas incluye la altura y el período de las olas. Windy.app igualmente proporciona un pronóstico general del tiempo: temperatura, presión del aire, nubosidad, precipitación y mareas.
Estos pronósticos para "Place" Los Angeles, United Statesse basan en el modelo GFS y fueron creados para windsurf, kitesurf, vela y otras actividades de deportes extremos. Todos los datos se actualizan 4 veces al día. Las predicciones están disponibles en pasos de 1 a 3 horas durante un máximo de 10 días.
So strange.. I'm watching the map and it's showing the wind circling down to the southwest over Pasadena at current times, though apparently, the wind is going north... as the other guest says, this feels very strange to understand.
So I'm looking at the live wind chart today (Jan 7, 2025), during the wind storm in Los Angeles. Windy shows the wind direction arrows moving in a south-west direction on its live map. This alarmed me, living south of the developing wildfire, as ash and smoke may be blowing out west of where I live, but should wind change direction eastward later, I'll get that dust cloud pushed towards me.
As it turns out though, in other places of Windy.app website, it writes the wind direction is actually "North". I had to verify with other sources online, the wind in Los Angleles as of Jan7, is North, not south, not south-west.
If anything, a reference such that windy.app tries to be, should at least be consistent.
I'm no meteorologist, but common sense tells me these dynamic air-flow arrows on the live map should be flowing northward, or basically the opposite direction as they show on the live map, not as they are.
Probably a simple logic error in their SW routine, but seriously, you'd think they'd have this figured out by now if they're putting themselves out there so professionally.
In LA the best season for kitesurfing is spring through summer, although Southern California wind is less predictable than in the north. Beginners may practise at Belmont Shore Beach, while other locations are for intermediate and advanced riders. Topanga on the west of LA has an advanced kiteboarding launch next to trees and houses. You'll definitely need a helmet. It may also be very crowded, as it is the closest kitesurfing spot to the city.
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