Luson Wind forecast

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Luson Wind forecast

Wind direction is East, wind speed varies between 0 and 2.2 mph with gusts up to 2.2 mph. The sky is cloudy with a chance of rain 0%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Lüsen, Italy contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Lüsen are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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Closest meteostation (21.77km):

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