Makani Beach Club El Gouna Wind forecast

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Wind forecast

Wind direction is Northwest, wind speed varies between 15.6 and 22.3 mph with gusts up to 33.5 mph. The sky is clear with a chance of rain 0%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Makani Beach Club El Gouna, Egypt contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Makani Beach Club El Gouna are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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Girls Kitesurf Camp El Gouna
Girls Kitesurf Camp El Gouna

El Gouna is the perfect backdrop for a fabulous kitesurfing holiday. Not only are the conditions excellent for all levels of kitesurfers, the town itself has a lot to offer in terms of sports, no wind activities and nightlife.

Dragonfly Kite Safaris
Dragonfly Kite Safaris

We offer two types of weeklong kite safaris, both optimized and personalized to ensure your holiday is as perfect as your dreams. On our Full-Week Kite Safaris, we’ll sail two hours north from Hurghada to a small collection of uninhabited islands and atolls—our private archipelago of kitesurfing bliss for the week. On our Land-and-Sea Kite Safaris, you’ll get the ideal mix of learning and adventure in one package: spend the first four days in El Gouna, working with our VDWS-certified coaches, and then board our luxury yacht in Hurghada for a three-day kite safari where pristine islands and turquoise flat-water await.

Discovery Kite
Discovery Kite

Welcome to Discovery Kite. We organise our private coaching, courses and events to bring the highest standards in kitesurfing world. We want you to discover what kitesurfing is about and how much it can be fun!

ProCenter Tommy Friedl
ProCenter Tommy Friedl

Teaching and Rentals for Kiteboarding and Windsurfing.

Element Watersports
Element Watersports

We offer windsurf and kitesurfing lessons and rentals in the best spot in Egypt. Enjoy the restaurant, chill out and special offers in Egypt best spot!


Szkoła kitesurfingu zlokalizowana na północy El Gouny. Doskonałe warunki dla początkujących i zaawansowanych kitesurferów. Polska szkoła kitesurfingu w Egipcie. Czynna przez cały rok.

Go Wind
Go Wind

Мы занимаемся обучением кайтсерфингу, виндсерфингу и дайвингу. Для чего мы работаем? Мы бы хотели, чтобы кайтсерфинг, виндсерфинг и дайвинг стали доступны всем желающим, независимо от ваших физических возможностей, профессий, национальностей и вероисповедания =) Мы хотим нести радость от занятий этими видами спорта в массы и можем научить любого, у кого есть желание заниматься! Наша школа Go!Wind известна своей расслабляющей и уютной, семейной атмосферой. Наши лозунги – безопасность, дружелюбие, жизнерадостность и компетентность. Go!WInd предлагает услуги в соответствии с международными стандартами таких организаций, как VDWS, IKO и PADI. Что это значит? Безопасность наших учеников и гостей, профессиональные, опытные инструкторы, имеющие международные VDWS, IKO и PADI сертификаты по обучению виндсерфингу, кайтсерфингу и дайвингу, особый подход к обучению по стандартам, применяемым во всем мире.

Nomad kite events
Nomad kite events

If you want to learn kitesurfing and give yourself the best possible conditions! We are located inside El Gouna’s newest kite center “Element Watersports”. Our spot is the biggest in El Gouna offering waist deep warm water, top equipment and our instructors are exceptionally experienced having taught hundreds of students worldwide! Join us for the best kitesurfing holiday in the Red Sea.

Sunny Kiteboarding
Sunny Kiteboarding

El Gouna ist eine moderne durch Security gesicherte Kleinstadt an der herrlichen Westküste des Roten Meeres und nur etwa 30 km nördlich von Hurghada gelegen. Orientalischer Flair gepaart mit europäischen Standards machen El Gouna zu dem perfekten Urlaubsziel. Neben mehr als 100 internationalen Restaurants, Bars und Cafés werden dir hier zahlreiche weitere Freizeitmöglichkeiten geboten. Neben dem Kiten kannst du hier bei einem Schnorchel- oder Tauchtrip die Schönheit der Unterwasserwelt erforschen oder mit einem Quad die nahe gelegenen Berge und Sanddünen erkunden. Des Weiteren verfügt El Gouna über zahlreiche renommierte Hotels, zwei Golfanlagen sowie eine Wakeboardanlage.

Kiteboarding Club El Gouna / Mangroovy Beach
Kiteboarding Club El Gouna / Mangroovy Beach

Learn kitesurfing at one of our kitesurfing schools in Europe and around the world. We offer you top-quality instruction with courses ranging from beginner to advanced, as well as kiting camps and events with cutting-edge F-ONE equipment and professional instructors. In short, you can be sure that getting “on board” will be fast, safe and fun. The goal of our concept for sustainable training is that after completing your course, you will be able to continue practising what you have learnt – independently and, above all, safely.

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