Xiamen Shi Wind forecast

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Xiamen Shi Wind forecast

Wind direction is Northeast, wind speed varies between 4.5 and 26.8 mph with gusts up to 33.5 mph. The sky is clear with a chance of rain 0%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Xiamen, China (厦门), China contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Xiamen, China (厦门) are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

Download Windy.app in the App Store and Google Play Store.

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Xiamen Hansheng Yacht Building Co.,Ltd.
Xiamen Hansheng Yacht Building Co.,Ltd.

We specialize in the manufacture of offshore sailing cruisers, motor yachts, cup racing boats.

Xiamen Hybrid Sailing Club
Xiamen Hybrid Sailing Club

Xiamen Hybrid Sailing Club was founded in Oct.2008 as China’s first training center that provides professional kitesurfing training. They also provide equipments leasing/maintenance for kitesurfing, windsurfing and related services such as rescue etc.

Xiamen Sea Knight Outdoor Sports Club
Xiamen Sea Knight Outdoor Sports Club

Xiamen Sea Knight Outdoor Sports Club is an outdoor sports club which regularly organizes kayaking, sailing, hot air ballooning and many other outdoor sport activities. The club’s professional coaching team has developed a number of bases for operations in Xiamen, including a leisure sports base on Crocodile Islet and a hot air balloon camping base on Lianhua Mountain in Tong’an District.

Xiamen Kiteboarding Center
Xiamen Kiteboarding Center

China Kiteboarding Center is the only IKO Affiliated Center in China that provides professional kitesurfing training courses. We also provide equipment leasing/maintenance for kitesurfing. Courses take place at a number of beach locations in China:Xiamen, Pingtan and Boao, with conditions ranging from beautiful flat water to huge powerful waves. Kitesurf lessons are available all year round.

Xiamen RKC kite surfing center
Xiamen RKC kite surfing center

Do I need kitesurfing/kiteboarding lessons? I have experience snowboarding, surfing etc... Yes. It is pretty much a definite. Although you might feel confident with a board, kite control and kite safety are very important. Things could go horribly wrong if you were to learn by yourself, with the possibility of damaging your equipment, hurting yourself or other people on the beach. Instructors at the kite center are very experienced, and can guide you safely through the learning process.

Raptor Kitesurfing Center
Raptor Kitesurfing Center

The kite center will provide an instructor that can speak Chinese or English. All equipment is provided too.If you are planning to be kitesurfing regularly and you are living in Xiamen, it would be definitely worth buying your own equipment. If you are just coming here for holiday now and again, then renting could be an easier option. Although, it could be worth buying your own harness and kite, and just renting a board when you come here.


Sail Away with Ease Whether you're sailing or kayaking, having some buoyancy aids on board is the intelligent thing to do. Knowing how to swim is one thing, but in the case of an emergency or unfortunate accident, having a buoyancy jacket may well save your life or someone else's. If you're sailing, you need to keep a few sizes of jackets - preferably one for every person that will be on board. When buying any buoyancy aid for sailing you need to keep in mind a few different sizes for children and adults. A wide range to choose from- Our sailing buoyancy aid jackets are made from flexible foam sheets which make them light and comfortable to wear. We also have a range of accessories for you to take on board, like salt water resistant sailing jackets, dry bags for valuables, waterproof clothing and other buoyancy devices.

Xiamen Fengshui Sailing Club & Resort
Xiamen Fengshui Sailing Club & Resort

Also boasting a windsurfing club, Xiamen Fengshui Sailing Club & Resort offers great accommodation with wonderful sea views. It houses water sports facilities on-site, a breakfast buffet and free Wi-Fi in all areas.

Xiamen Wuyuan Bay Sailing Club
Xiamen Wuyuan Bay Sailing Club

Wuyuan Bay Sailing Club is a project invested in by Xiamen Road and Bridge Construction Company, a fully state owned enterprise. Its aim is to be a first-class marine club which is competitive in the sailing field. The club provides leisure sailing, sailboat docking and maintenance services, and is committed to organizing sailing competitions, sailing training and other services. Another of its aims is to promote networking and friendships amongst its members, and ultimately help them create business opportunities.

Wuyuan Bay international Yacht Club
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Wuyuan Bay International Yacht Club is located in the picturesque inlet of Wuyuan Bay, on the northern tip of Xiamen Island. It’s a business yacht club, and is developed and operated by Xiamen Road & Bridge Construction Group,who have devoted a huge investment into the development.

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