نادي الصيد بمدينة مرسى علم: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Marsa Alam, Egypt (مرسى علم) • 7km
2 m/s, North +23 °C, Clear sky
Bay tulip resort • 46km
1 m/s, Northeast +23 °C, Clear sky
El Naaba • 30km
2 m/s, Northeast +23 °C, Clear sky
GT Professionals • 4km
2 m/s, North +23 °C, Clear sky
Shams alam • 46km
1 m/s, Northeast +23 °C, Clear sky
Dream Lagoon • 18km
2 m/s, Northeast +23 °C, Clear sky

Egypt top spots


Marsa Alam Divers
Marsa Alam Divers

Marsa Alam Divers offer a comprehensive range of diving courses for divers of all levels.

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