Sporthalle in der Au: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Stuttgart, Germany • 20km
2 m/s, West +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Stuttgart Airport • 29km
2 m/s, West +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Stuttgart • 20km
2 m/s, West +5 °C, Partly cloudy
Breitenauer see • 22km
3 m/s, West +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Flugplatz Renningen • 30km
2 m/s, West +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Marios Fliegendose, Mario und Marco • 32km
2 m/s, West +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Hahnweide • 38km
2 m/s, West +4 °C, Partly cloudy

Germany top spots


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