Graal-Müritz Wind forecast

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Graal-Müritz Wind forecast

Wind direction is West, wind speed varies between 17.8 and 31.2 mph with gusts up to 42.4 mph. The sky is cloudy with a chance of rain 0%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Graal-Müritz, Germany contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Graal-Müritz are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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