Angra do Heroismo, Portugal (Angra do Heroísmo): weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Terceira - Aeroporto • 17km
13 m/s, Northeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
Praia da Vitória • 17km
13 m/s, Northeast +18 °C, Partly cloudy
Azores - Terceira • 38km
13 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
Biscoitos • 16km
11 m/s, Northeast +17 °C, Partly cloudy
ilha Terceira acores • 37km
14 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
Terceira - Vila Nova • 16km
12 m/s, Northeast +17 °C, Partly cloudy

Portugal top spots


Giant Expeditions Azores
Giant Expeditions Azores

Venha visitar-nos e tenha experiências inesquecíveis como aprender a fazer surf ou técnicas ancestrais de pesca. Se estiver familiarizado com o mar, também pode optar pela pesca desportiva! Já alguma vez viu golfinhos, tartarugas e baleias? Pode ser que se cruze com alguns cetáceos ou animais marinhos numa dessas viagens! A Natureza brinda-nos sempre com algumas fantásticas surpresas!

Arraia Divers
Arraia Divers

We do dive trips daily and can teach the entire spectrum. We specialize in Recreational Diving and teach all the way up to DiveMaster level. We are also one of the only dive centers that stays open all year!

Sea Adventures
Sea Adventures

Company operating in The Azores, Terceira Island. We offer Whale Watching tours, XVI century military history tour, cycling tours and more.


Passeios de barco e esportes aquáticos em Angra do Heroísmo

Pro Island Tour
Pro Island Tour

Pro Island Tour is a touristic entertainment company that offers its guests fantastic adventures in jeep tours. It was born of the desire to show in a different way, what the Azores have best, nature ...! Come and see the dirt roads that lead to the most beautiful scenery that Terceira Island has to offer. Experience firsthand the culture and tradition of a people, and an ancestral way of life. Join us and get ready for an unforgettable experience


Agência de Viagens e Turismo

WATER4FUN, Unipessoal, Lda.
WATER4FUN, Unipessoal, Lda.

A Water4Fun, empresa na área do Turismo, tem para si e para a sua família e amigos, as atividades marítimas que são a garantia de diversão, segurança e qualidade. Porque somos diferentes? Além das nossas atividades o nosso barco é único na Ilha Terceira! Temos um fundo em vidro, e quando estiver no barco tem a possibilidade de ver o fundo do mar através desse vidro.


Move-nos uma genuina paixão pelo mar, a nossa equipa dotada de profissionais qualificados.

Sea Guardians
Sea Guardians

Excursões de barco e desportos aquáticos em Angra do Heroísmo


OceanEmotion Azores Whale Watching is a company specialized on sea activities since 2009, located at Terceira Island - Azores and with a base present at Angra do Heroísmo Marina. In 2016 we received the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor for the consistent achievement of high ratings from our customers. Our aim is give you the best experience possible with comfort and quality service, as well as a responsible participation on research and environment education with our community and tourism.

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