Bai Hom Wind forecast

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Package with 10 kitesurfing lessons

  • -10%
Vietnam Surf Camping
Vietnam Surf Camping

Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, Surfing, Camping, Food & Beverages - a place where all meets one - Welcome to Vietnam Surf Camping!

Phan Rang Kite Center
Phan Rang Kite Center

It really is a nice little playground with plenty of space in the shallow flat water to either begin your kitesurfing lifestyle with very nice training conditions or progress to another level as an intermediate rider. Even for the wave riders we have some epic left and rights about 700m beyond the lagoon over the reef break.

Phi Kite School
Phi Kite School

During the Winter Season (November to April) the wind is super reliable and often blows 25 - 30 knots or even more!! The spot is suitable for all levels of riders – from Beginners to Advanced, and caters to both Freestyle and Wave riders. We offer Membership packages, Lessons, Equipment Rental and Storage.

Amanoi Resort
Amanoi Resort

Accessed directly from Amanoi’s private beach, the pristine waters of Vinh Hy Bay are ideal for exploration, both along the craggy coastline and under the deep blue. Here colourful corals and myriad tropical fish reside in dizzying splendour

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