Соляное: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Крым - Сиваш - Каменское • 5km
7 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Clear sky
Крым, Феодосия,Береговое, udacha4455 • 26km
7 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Clear sky
Феодосия • 32km
7 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Clear sky
Гора Клементьева • 37km
5 m/s, Northwest +4 °C, Clear sky
Крым-высокий берег-kiteclass • 23km
8 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Clear sky
Коктебель • 42km
6 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Clear sky

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