Boží Dar Wind forecast

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Boží Dar Wind forecast

Wind direction is West, wind speed varies between 0 and 6.7 mph with gusts up to 15.6 mph. The sky is cloudy with a chance of rain 7%.

Wind and wave weather forecast for Boží Dar snowkite, Czech Republic contains detailed information about local wind speed, direction, and gusts. Wave forecast includes wave height and period.

These forecasts for Boží Dar snowkite are based on the GFS model and were created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing and other extreme sports activities. All data updates 4 times a day. Predictions are available in steps from 1 to 3 hours for up to 10 days.

Use professional weather parameters: wind barbs, weather fronts, isobars, and others. Study weather history for the past 12 years (2012-2024). Create sailing, hiking and biking routes with weather in each point.

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Skiareál Plešivec
Skiareál Plešivec

We offer 10 ski runs of all difficulty levels for a total length of 12km, was wearing a ski school and a children's park for the little ones, but above all an unforgettable experience.

Sports Campus Eduard
Sports Campus Eduard

A 300-metre lift with a mini snow Park is available directly on site in winter. You can rent ski equipment from us, and private snowpark rental is possible upon agreement. Other tracks are Jáchymově is the Gift of God or Klínovci.

Ski areál Náprava
Ski areál Náprava

Visitors have the option of choosing the appropriate terrain – a training meadow and the downhill even harder difficulty. On his coming to lovers of snowboarding. Plenty of snow on the ski slopes is provided by snow-making system.

Ski resort Jachymov - center
Ski resort Jachymov - center

The ski area offers 4 ski runs of different difficulty (1200m blue, 800m red, 800m black, and 300m green ski run) that will certainly satisfy skiers of all categories. A children's ski lift with a short ski run is available for children and beginners.


We are a snowboard and ski school,founded in 2002 out of pure passion. Today, we are already professionals in teaching snowboarding, skiing and kitingu. We teach not only the beginners, but also freestyle skiing and snowboarding.Next to the school, the school we operate a quality bicycle, sport and board shop and mini service.

Skiareál Hranice
Skiareál Hranice

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STARTHAUS Oberwiesenthal
STARTHAUS Oberwiesenthal

We settled in the most winter resort on a hill and in the heart of the highest city in Germany, at Markt 12 (and therefore not far from the most popular accommodation). Our 2nd shop is located right in front of the main ski slope on Vierenstrasse 8.

Skischule Greiner Oberwiesenthal
Skischule Greiner Oberwiesenthal

We are members of the German ski Union and represent ourselves as a professional school. We pay special attention to quality and safety based on the latest teaching methods. The head of the school - with more than 40 years of experience in the field of sports and ski Instructor (including at the international level) - works with clients. The team consists of the best, experienced and qualified teachers.


You can jump higher and further than you have ever dreamed and still lie down a gentle landing. The possibilities are simply unlimited. You can sweep miles through untouched powder snow in a very short time and even kiting uphill, which is truly sensational. The incredible Speed you can reach with a Kite makes this sport completely.

Skischule Fichtelberg
Skischule Fichtelberg

Whether it's skiing, snowboarding, telemarketing or cross-country skiing-whether it's beginner or advanced, we are ready to make your stay at Fichtelberg something special. We also run courses on request in the nearby Czech ski resorts plesivec (Plessivec) and the klínovec (klinovec). We can draw on our teaching experience At our substations in Dresden (Telnice) and South Tyrol Sterzing (Rosskopf & Ladurns). Flexibility and competence are the features of our team in particular.

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