Tahkoluoto: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Yyteri, Pori, Finland • 13km
7 m/s, Southwest +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Säppi • 18km
8 m/s, Southwest +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Deutsche Seemannsmission Mäntyluoto • 10km
8 m/s, Southwest +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Reposaari • 7km
8 m/s, Southwest +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Björneborgs sjöbevakningsstation • 9km
8 m/s, Southwest +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Yyteri surfkeskus • 14km
7 m/s, Southwest +3 °C, Partly cloudy

Finland top spots


Yyteri Surfkeskus
Yyteri Surfkeskus

Yyteri surf centre is open from may always through the end of August. Centre you get professional windsurfing instruction as well as you can rent windsurfing equipment and SUP -boards and SKIM – boards.

Segelföreningen I Björneborg BSF RF
Segelföreningen I Björneborg BSF RF

Finland's oldest continuously operated sports club BSF has been established in Pori, finland, in 1856. The association has about 500 members. Follow the action is lively, it will take care of the active members. Racing sailing in addition to activities offer, for example. junior-, women-, port-, inspection-, motor boat and a light boat to work on.

Reposaaren Boat Storage Ltd
Reposaaren Boat Storage Ltd

Reposaari boat storage is established in 2007 a company that serve and assist boaters. Our services include: Boat winter storage inside and outside, Boat lifts and dips, Boat washing and waxing, The bottom of the boat painting, Boat engine maintenance, A variety of installations

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