Providing Dockage, Storage, Full Service, Brokerage, Yacht Sales, Boat Rentals, and Parts
Strong’s Yacht Center is home to the yacht division at Strong’s Marine. Our 75+ full-time employees operate 5 conveniently located Long Island locations to maximize the servicing coverage of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Come take a sail out on the Polar C! Leaving the dock from the small hamlet New Suffolk and entering into the Little Peconic Bay, you can either enjoy a 2-hour sail around Robin's Island, head west towards Riverhead, or cruise east down the bay into the historic village of Greenport.
Old Cove owns and maintains a fleet of over 40 boats for the participants of its Junior Sailing and Adult Sailing Program. Our young sailors, aged 6-15, sail in Optimist dinghies, while our older youth and adult sailors sail in Lasers, 420s and J24s. The 24 Optimist Dinghies and 12 420s are made available to the participants of Old Cove’s Junior Program at no cost or for a nominal fee. The 6 Lasers and the 2 J24s are made available both to the Old Cove Junior and the Old Cove Adult Sailing Program. Old Cove also offers its members dinghy storage.