STV кайтбординг : weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Stavropol, Russia (Ставрополь) • 13km
7 m/s, Southeast +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Каскадный - Акватория • 53km
6 m/s, Southeast +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Невинномысск • 39km
5 m/s, Southeast +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Демино (Вшивое) Ставрополь • 17km
7 m/s, Southeast +4 °C, Partly cloudy
Егорлык кайт спот • 19km
6 m/s, Southeast +5 °C, Clear sky
Солнечнодольск новотроицкое водохран • 39km
6 m/s, Southeast +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Унесенные ветром • 53km
6 m/s, Southeast +4 °C, Partly cloudy
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