Ski rental with us-for the day, for the weekend, for a week or the whole season! We rent all Alpine skis in freestyle and ski boots in different sizes. We have prepared for you suitable skis and boots – from the youngest and youngest beginners to Beginners and sports skiers.
The Appenzell cross-country skiing centre in Gais for over 40 years. Gais has developed into a cross-country known Cross-Country Skiing Centre with a catchment area beyond the borders of Vorarlberg and the southern German region.
In den Schulferien veranstaltet der Schiverein Hohenems wie jedes Jahr die beliebten Schi- und Snowboardkurse in der Schuttannen. Ausgebildete ÖSV-Instruktoren und Vereinshelfer sorgen für einen professionellen Ablauf der Kurse und machen die Kinder innerhalb von vier Tagen zu kleinen „Pistenprofis“.