Lukomorye Recreation Center previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

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previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

Vento e onda previsioni meteo per Lukomorye Recreation Center, Russia contiene informazioni dettagliate sulla velocità', la direzione e le raffiche del vento locali. La previsione dell'onda include l'altezza e il periodo dell'onda. fornisce anche previsioni meteorologiche generali: temperatura', pressione dell'aria', copertura nuvolosa', precipitazioni e maree.

Queste previsioni per Lukomorye Recreation Center si basano sul modello GFS e sono stati creati per windsurf, kitesurf, vela e altre attività sportive estreme. Tutti i dati vengono aggiornati 4 volte al giorno. Le previsioni sono disponibili in passaggi da 1 a 3 ore per un massimo di 10 giorni.

Closest meteostation (0.78km):

Mappa del vento in diretta

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Luoghi vicini

Arkhangelsk, Russia (Архангельск) • 1km
3 m/s, Northwest -3 °C, Light snow
Arkhangelsk, Russia (Архангельск) • 2km
3 m/s, Northwest -3 °C, Light snow
Suhoe see, Russia (Сухое море) • 37km
4 m/s, North -2 °C, Light snow
Мудьюг • 35km
5 m/s, North -2 °C, Light snow
Новодвинск • 19km
3 m/s, Northwest -3 °C, Light snow
Лапоминка • 26km
4 m/s, North -2 °C, Light snow
Архангельск цсс • 1km
3 m/s, Northwest -3 °C, Light snow


Ski base Salamati
Ski base Salamati

For athletes and enthusiasts in Isakogorskomu district of Arkhangelsk ski base "Salamati". Today the skiers can enjoy the ski run for free running, 5 km walking track for classic skiing Since January, the base will operate a cafe and cross-country ski rental.

DYUSSH imeni P. V. Usova
DYUSSH imeni P. V. Usova

Skiing in the city of Arkhangelsk is steadily developing, growing demand for this sport among children and parents, at the same time growing and skills of students in the sports school №2.

Ski and snowboard rental
Ski and snowboard rental

In our rental only high-quality mountain skis and snowboards of famous brands. Suitable for both beginners and progressive riders. Shoes are safe for health, are antibacterial treatment.

Lukomorye Recreation Center
Lukomorye Recreation Center

Active rest in "Lukomorye" is chosen by those who want not just to relax, but to relax with health benefits. Such pastime not only will give a charge of vivacity and energy, but also promotes good mood.

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