Moscow - Парк Победы: statistiche meteo e storia del vento

Closest meteostation (11.21km):

Russia - Moskva - Moskva (MADIS_UUWW)

6 m/s
W 260

Moskva previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

  • Vento e onda previsioni meteo per Moscow - Парк Победы, Russia contiene informazioni dettagliate sulla velocità', la direzione e le raffiche del vento locali. La previsione dell'onda include l'altezza e il periodo dell'onda. fornisce anche previsioni meteorologiche generali: temperatura', pressione dell'aria', copertura nuvolosa', precipitazioni e maree.
  • Queste previsioni per Moscow - Парк Победыsi basano sul modello GFS e sono stati creati per windsurf, kitesurf, vela e altre attività sportive estreme. Tutti i dati vengono aggiornati 4 volte al giorno. Le previsioni sono disponibili in passaggi da 1 a 3 ore per un massimo di 10 giorni.

Luoghi vicini

Moscow, Russia (Москва) • 5km
6 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Strogino, Russia (Строгино) • 9km
6 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Podolsk fields, Russia (Подольские поля) • 29km
7 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Moscow - Pirogovo - Яхт клуб Пирогово • 30km
5 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Russian Federation - Москва Шереметьево • 27km
6 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy
Строгинская пойма • 9km
6 m/s, West +3 °C, Partly cloudy

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27 October 2021
Best time in Moscow is summer and September, so this also counts for this place. This once was one of the most popular places in the city. Especially for whom would love to learn more about the WWII history and touch the Soviet Union history of resistance against the fascists’ occupation. On top it is great park to walk and relax. There are also some bars for you to grab a snack.
08 March 2020
There is a once of the most popular place in Moscow. Especially who would love to join the story of the WWII history and touch the Soviet Union history of resistance against a the fascists occupation. On top it is great park to walk and relax
08 March 2020
Best time in Moscow is summer and September
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