کردکوی previsioni meteo e mappa del vento in diretta

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Mappa del vento in diretta

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Pro paragliding pilot & instructor

I saw Ameen Hazini's talent, aptitude and atittude with my own two eyes. He is a tough , aggressive, experienced pilot. He has an impressive command of flight. He is a knowledgeable instructor and a kind friend. After many years of endeavor, coaching and training those interested in flying and also participating in national and international contests, he earned himslef the title of ' Oghab-e Gorgan'. He spent over 6000 hours of his fruitful life in the skies. He more belongs to the skies than to the earth. Ameen hopes to win acclaim by breaking previous records and set new ones. He always encourages and inspires people to fly. We wish him success, happiness, wealth and health. Early birds get the worm

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