以下のための風と波の予報: Dubai Jumeira Beach, United Arab Emirates 地域の風速と、風向、そして突風に関する詳細な情報が含まれています。波の予報には波高と時間帯が含まれています。また、Windy.appは気温や、気圧、雲量、降雨、そして潮汐などの一般的な天気予報も提供しています。
It's a nice beach in Dubai. Because of the nice weather, this spot is better in autumn or winter as it's not so hot. The water is mostly choppy. The beach is sandy and clear. During the day the spot is usually overcrowded, so it's better to come here in the morning on in the evening. All the wind that comes from N and W is great for you. There are also several schools that are ready to give lessons or lend gear.
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