Club Náutico Lo Pagan: 気象統計と風の歴史



La Manga, Spain • 10km
4 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Clear sky
Torrevieja, Spain • 18km
3 m/s, Southwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Cape Palos, Spain • 21km
6 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Clear sky
Los Narejos, Spain • 7km
3 m/s, Southwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Tabarca, Spain • 47km
4 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Clear sky
Guardamar del Segura, Spain • 30km
3 m/s, Southwest +16 °C, Clear sky
Murcia, Spain • 35km
2 m/s, West +14 °C, Clear sky

Spain top spots


JeanPaul Sailmakers&Riggers S.L

Your Sailboat expert in Spain!

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Pepino´s Jet
Pepino´s Jet

En Pepino's Jet tenemos todo lo necesario para que pases un divertido día de playa en un entorno seguro y controlado por profesionales del sector. Horario alquiler de motos: 11.00 a 20.00h

Virazon Charter
Virazon Charter

Alquiler de barcos veleros con y sin patrón por el Mar Menor Murcia. Practicas: PNB - PER. Despedidas de soltera. Encuentro de amigos. Aniversarios. 619243890

Seguros - Insurance

Seguros para embarcaciones.

  • -10%
Seguros - Insurance

Seguros para embarcaciones.

  • -10%

Somos Servicio Técnico Oficial de las mejores marcas del mercado: Selden, Furlex, Harken, Facnor, ZSpars, Profurl, Sparcraft, Lewmar, Fredericsen, Rondstan, Plastimo, Navimo. Ofrecemos mantenimiento, reparación y ventas.

Nautica J Olivares
Nautica J Olivares

Mr Olivares offers a wide range of brokerage vessels, both sail and motorboats, which you are welcome to visit in his harbour installations. Furthermore, his expertise will ensure you find the most suitable vessel according to your expectations. As a boating professional, he offers vessel maintenance services, such as cleaning, repairing or revising your mechanical and electronic equipment.

Kalima Charter
Kalima Charter

Somos una empresa de Alquiler de Embarcaciones, con base en La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia). Contamos con flota propia, para la realización de actividades náuticas, Excursiones, Paseos en barco por el Mar Menor, Mediterráneo, Travesías a Ibiza, Formentera, Despedidas de Soltero, Eventos de Empresa, o cualquier otro destino que el cliente solicite.

Rent of Sailboats Nautical Ark La Manga Murcia
Rent of Sailboats Nautical Ark La Manga Murcia

En ARCA NÁUTICA te permitimos echarte a la mar y te acompañamos en el mundo de la navegación de recreo PNB, PER,PATROON DE YATE. Alquiler con o sin patrón, para poder disfrutar libremente de y sin rutas establecidas, sintiéndote tú mismo como patrón de tu nave.

Club náutico Puerto Tomas Maestre
Club náutico Puerto Tomas Maestre

Puerto Deportivo Tomás Maestre is located in the north of La Manga, on the shores of Mar Menor, in an area traditionally used by local fishermen and sailors as a shelter for their boats, thanks to its moderate winds prevailing in the place and the virtual absence of currents. The entrance canal to the marina is placed in the "Canal del Estacio", the only channel joining by the Mar Menor to the Mediterranean Sea. This special feature gives our users easy and fast access to both seas, being able to choose between either of them and making your day at sea more than assured regardless of weatherr and sea conditions.
