以下のための風と波の予報: Cherry Beach, Canada, Canada 地域の風速と、風向、そして突風に関する詳細な情報が含まれています。波の予報には波高と時間帯が含まれています。また、Windy.appは気温や、気圧、雲量、降雨、そして潮汐などの一般的な天気予報も提供しています。
以下のための予報:」 Cherry Beach, CanadaはGFSモデルに基づいており、ウインドサーフィンや、カイトサーフィン、セーリング、そして他のエクストリームスポーツのために作られています。すべてのデータは1日に4回更新されます。予報は最大で10日まで1時間から3時間の段階でご利用いただけます。
preferred location for advanced kiteboarders and foilboarders in downtown Toronto, Ontario. Located at the bottom of Cherry St, this beach offers near flat water due to the long stretching island arm of Tommy Thompson Park that curves out from a distance in the East and breaks all the incoming waves from the South!
The launch spot is both very short, and very narrow – with just a little more than 20m from treeline to shoreline there is minimal margin for error. The beach is very rocky when entering and exiting the water. The lake is immediately very deep. If the wind shifts direction from SW to W everyone is cut off by the Toronto Island wind shadow.
Aside from Cherry Beach, there isn’t really any other spot to land safely with the kite in the air. Nearby beach has the treeline at the shoreline. On an East wind, if you fail to return to Cherry Beach, you will end up downwind on the Toronto Island. On a West wind, if you fail to return to Cherry Beach, you may end up in the marina.
Being the preferred, accessible kite spot in downtown Toronto, when the wind is blowing there will be a lot of kiteboarders on the beach, on the water, and up in the air! On beautiful summer days Cherry Beach can be overrun with sun-seeking beach bums!
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