lac des nations : 気象統計と風の歴史



Memphremagog Lake, Canada (Lac Memphrémagog) • 23km
1 m/s, Southwest +12 °C, Clear sky
Petit-Lac-Magog, Canada • 13km
1 m/s, Southwest +12 °C, Partly cloudy
Sherbrooke • 5km
1 m/s, Southwest +12 °C, Partly cloudy
Lac brompton • 18km
1 m/s, Southwest +12 °C, Clear sky
Pointe fitch bay • 46km
1 m/s, Southwest +11 °C, Clear sky
Lac Massawippi • 21km
1 m/s, Southwest +12 °C, Partly cloudy
Aeroport sherbrooke • 20km
1 m/s, South +12 °C, Partly cloudy


Station de ski du Mont-Bellevue
Station de ski du Mont-Bellevue

This urban natural environment also offers the population many kilometres of walking trails, snowshoeing, snow biking and cross-country skiing, free of charge. The hiking, cross-country ski and snow bike trails are mechanically maintained for a most enjoyable experience.
