Vallensbæk strand: 날씨 통계 및 바람 역사

코드 얻기:   

인기 스팟 활동 — 카이트서핑

최고의 계절

1월 — 12월

최고의 계절

일반적인 바람 방향

E, SE, S

일반적인 바람 방향

수면 상태

Small waves

수면 상태

수심 깊이


수심 깊이

라이딩 레벨


라이딩 레벨

카이트 크기


카이트 크기

가까운 스팟

Amager Strandpark, Copenhagen, Denmark • 16km
10 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Light rain
Sydvestpynten, Dragor, Denmark • 10km
10 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Light rain
Copenhagen, Denmark (København) • 14km
9 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Light rain
Niva, Denmark (Nivå) • 37km
8 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Light rain
Sylten • 16km
11 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Light rain
Sydvestpynten • 11km
10 m/s, Northwest +6 °C, Light rain
Veddelev, Denmark • 23km
7 m/s, Northwest +5 °C, Light rain

Denmark top spots


Den Danske Skiskole
Den Danske Skiskole

Den Danske Skiskoles henvender sig til de dygtigste skiløbere, som ønsker at blive endnu bedre eller som overvejer at tage en professionel instruktøruddannelse.Besøg vores

Kingfish Dive & Travel
Kingfish Dive & Travel

Our experienced ringleaders are with you all the time from your first test dive, until you get a certificate in hand.

Copenhagen Boat Rent
Copenhagen Boat Rent

Boat rental

Dykkergitte - Dykkerskolen i DGI-byen
Dykkergitte - Dykkerskolen i DGI-byen

At DykkerGitte we are proud to introduce you and give you experience under the surface. PADI 5 Star IDD Resort - one of the only diving centers in Denmark with certification, we can offer you a high-quality education.

Boatflex ApS
Boatflex ApS

Discover the world from a boat! Boatflex makes it possible to rent boats directly from the boat owner. Worlds first fully insured peer to peer platform.

Outdoor Explore Ski & Snowboard Shop
Outdoor Explore Ski & Snowboard Shop

Lej dine ski hjemmefra og undgår køen på skisportstedet.

In RTS-Kitesurfing, you get the best start to your kitesurfing. On weekdays, weekends and holidays, courses are held throughout the CBK

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