Praia de São João da Caparica 일기 예보 및 라이브 바람지도

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일기 예보 및 라이브 바람지도

바람 및 파도 날씨 예보는 Praia de São João da Caparica, Portugal 지역 풍속, 방향, 돌풍에 대한 자세한 정보를 알려드립니다. 파도 예보에는 파도 높이 및 주기가 포함됩니다. Windy.app은 또한 기온, 기압, 운량, 강수량 및 조류와 같은 일반적인 일기 예보를 제공합니다.

이 예보들은 Praia de São João da Caparica 은(는) GFS 모델 기반으로 하며 윈드서핑, 카이트서핑, 항해 및 기타 익스트림 스포츠 활동을 위해 만들어졌습니다. 모든 업데이트는 하루에 4번 이루어집니다. 예측은 최대 10일 동안 1 - 3시간 동안 사용할 수 있습니다.

Closest meteostation (7.37km):

라이브 바람지도

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가까운 스팟

Lisbon, Portugal (Lisboa) • 11km
6 m/s, Southwest +16 °C, Partly cloudy
Guincho Beach, Portugal (Praia do Guincho) • 21km
7 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Partly cloudy
Costa da Caparica, Portugal • 4km
6 m/s, Southwest +16 °C, Partly cloudy
Carcavelos, Portugal • 8km
6 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Partly cloudy
Ericeira, Portugal • 40km
8 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Partly cloudy
Fonte da Telha, Portugal • 7km
6 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Partly cloudy
Meira Pro Center, Lagoa de Albufeira, Portugal • 18km
7 m/s, Southwest +17 °C, Partly cloudy


Estrela do Mar
Estrela do Mar

A loja Estrela do Mar conta com vários anos de experiencia no comercio de artigos de pesca. É especializada em artigos de pesca de mar e rio, nas várias modalidades existentes. Possui uma grande variedade de artigos das mais variadas e conceituadas marcas de modo a satisfazer os vários tipos de clientes, desde o pescador profissional até ao pescador ocasional. Este site ainda não é uma loja online, é apenas e somente um meio de divulgar a nossa loja, assim como uma forma de nos mantermos em contacto com os nossos clientes. O site é de todos nós, como tal, esperamos que contribuam para o seu desenvolvimento. Visite-nos e descubra por si mesmo tudo o que temos para lhe oferecer.

38 Surf School
38 Surf School

Surf lessons/ surf rental

Postitve Wave
Postitve Wave

A Positive Wave Surf School is a project focus on education and promotion of water sports, specially Surf, Longboard and Stand Up Paddle (SUP), which began in 2010 and is currently one of the oldest schools accredited by the Portuguese Federation surf (FPS).

The Surf Project
The Surf Project

Surf shop Surf school Surf travel

Ding It
Ding It

Ding it is a portuguese surf equipment brand. It was created by surfers for surfers, with a unique relationship between quality and design.

Lisbon Surf Camp
Lisbon Surf Camp

Lisbon Surf Camp specializes in providing stoked surf, bodyboard and SUP lessons and experiences to visitors to Portugal, whatever your level.

Lisbon Surf Camp
Lisbon Surf Camp

Lisbon Surf Camp (LX SURF CAMP) is dedicated to surfers of all levels inbound to Portugal. Services include surf and stay for individuals and groups, surf guide, personal coaching, surfaris and equipment rentals.

Carcavelos Surf Hostel
Carcavelos Surf Hostel

Our surf school is certified by the Portuguese Surfing Federation and we have surf classes for all ages and levels, equipment to hire and a safe place for you to wash and stash your own surf material.

Portugal Surf Rentals
Portugal Surf Rentals

At Portugal Surf Rentals we only work with the BEST BRANDS and all our surf equipment is in perfect conditions.  Are you an experienced surfer without your surfboard? We’ll gladly help. Are you just willing to have some fun with friends for a couple of hours, one weekend or a few days? We can help too.

Portugal Surf Rentals
Portugal Surf Rentals

Portugal Surf Rentals is a personalized service where surfers can rent a surfboard and a wetsuit and simply enjoy the freedom of surfing Portugal’s waves.

본 웹사이트는 사용자 경험을 향상시키고자 쿠키를 사용합니다. 이 사이트를 계속 탐색하는 경우 당사의 개인정보 보호정책 및 이용약관에 동의하는 것입니다.