is a professional weather application for windsports and outdoors: sailing, surfing, kayaking, fishing, paraglyding, cycling, and others. It helps people to be an experts in weather forecasting to have the better experience in outdoors.
in a game since June 26, 2015.
reviews in total in the App Store and Google Play.
— average review.
per basic version.
on your smartphone (iOS / Android), just.
English, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
from all over the world and the ability to compare them in PRO-version.
which help users better understand the weather.
for app's customization.
in the "Spots" section of the app and site.
all over the world.
in Tarifa, Spain — one of the most popular places for kitesurfing in the world.
of the same spot — and it's only one spot, even though it is very popular.
sailing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sup, kayaking, fishing, paragliding, drones, bicycling and cycling, skiing, and snowboarding.
weather forecast, the wind rose and weather history, and wind map.
specially for sailors — Windhub.
on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
in a team.
from all over the world.
that is constantly growing and getting better and closer!
Send your feedback, congratulations, or any good words at [email protected], review the app in stores.
Thank you for being together!