West side of Cotton Island, China (棉花嶼西側): 天气统计及风历史

Closest meteostation (44.57km):


  • 风况和波浪天气预报是为 West side of Cotton Island, China (棉花嶼西側), China 包含当地风速、风向和阵风的详细信息。波浪预报包括浪高和周期。Windy.app亦提供一般天气预报:温度、气压、云量、降水和潮汐。
  • 这些预报是为 West side of Cotton Island, China (棉花嶼西側)基于GFS模型,为帆板,风筝冲浪,帆船和其他极限运动而设。所有数据一天更新4次。预测分步骤进行,持续1到3小时,最多预测10天。


Chaojing Park, Taiwan (潮境公園) • 48km
6 m/s, North +15 °C, Partly cloudy
Longdong Park, Taiwan (龍洞公園) • 45km
7 m/s, North +16 °C, Partly cloudy
基隆嶼-小搞搞 • 47km
6 m/s, Northeast +15 °C, Partly cloudy
Keelung Harbor, Taiwan (基隆港) • 50km
5 m/s, Northeast +15 °C, Partly cloudy
Pengjia Islet, China (彭佳嶼) • 16km
9 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Partly cloudy
Bianfudong Park, Taiwan (蝙蝠洞公園) • 48km
6 m/s, North +15 °C, Partly cloudy
Mianhua Islet, China (棉花嶼) • 17km
8 m/s, North +16 °C, Partly cloudy
