


Hiking or trekking is a type of year-round walking outdoor activity when you follow an easy route for one day in the nature. The name comes from the words "hike" or "trek" and "moving".

You don’t need any special equipment for hiking — just dress for the weather. But if you regularly plan to make small hikes, then we recommend that you purchase suitable light clothing and, most importantly, comfortable shoes in which you can go all day on rough terrain. Unlike hiking, in trekking, you usually walk a longer distance and on a more difficult surface, carry more equipment and food in your backpack, and spend the night in nature in a mountain hut or bivouac, so trekking is a hike of two days or more up to a week.

Hiking and trekking are developed in almost all regions of the world: in rural areas, in national parks, and near large cities. As a rule, tourists walk on specially prepared tracks and routes. Hiking is especially popular in Europe and North America — there are the most prepared trails for hiking.

Hiking is an all-season outdoor activity. At the same time, not only hiking trips are common in winter, but also calm hiking trips on skis.

Hiking combines the enjoyment of natural scenery and light physical activity. For residents of large cities, it allows you to take a break from the bustle of the city and breathe fresh air without leaving for a long time.


Text: Natalia KirashevaIvan Kuznetsov contributed to this guide

Cover photo: Livia / Unsplash

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