Zushi-shi pronóstico del tiempo y mapa de viento en vivo

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Zushi-shi pronóstico del tiempo y mapa de viento en vivo

Pronóstico meteorológico de viento y olas para Zushi Marina, Japan (逗子マリーナ), Japan contiene información detallada sobre la velocidad, la dirección y las ráfagas del viento locales. El pronóstico de olas incluye la altura y el período de las olas. Windy.app igualmente proporciona un pronóstico general del tiempo: temperatura, presión del aire, nubosidad, precipitación y mareas.

Estos pronósticos para "Place" Zushi Marina, Japan (逗子マリーナ) se basan en el modelo GFS y fueron creados para windsurf, kitesurf, vela y otras actividades de deportes extremos. Todos los datos se actualizan 4 veces al día. Las predicciones están disponibles en pasos de 1 a 3 horas durante un máximo de 10 días.

Closest meteostation (0.79km):

Mapa de viento en vivo

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Actividad de Spot Popular — Pesca

Mejor época del año

Octubre — Enero, Abril — Junio

Mejor época del año




Tipo de punto

Mar u océano

Tipo de punto

Técnica de pesca

Caña de hilo

Técnica de pesca




Spots cercanos

Enoshima, Japan (江の島) • 7km
2 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky
Enoshima RaceArea • 5km
2 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky
Hayama, Japan (葉山町) • 2km
3 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky
Tokyo, Japan (東京都) • 47km
3 m/s, North +5 °C, Clear sky
Enoshima, Japan (江ノ島) • 5km
2 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky
Zushi Beach, Japan (逗子海岸海水浴場) • 1km
3 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky
Hakkeijima, Japan (八景島) • 11km
4 m/s, Northeast +7 °C, Clear sky



Business description Sales of fishing items


Shonan Tsujido's Surf Shopper's Restaurant, Regen Servo Restaurant, Shonan Tsujido's Restaurant, and Shonan Tsujido's Restaurant.


In order to make life easier for our employees, we have set up a small number of staffs as a service course that gives priority to the desires of each customer. Many people stand on the board.


MONSTER MASH is a surfing and surfing course located on the Mizunuma coast in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, and is only 5 minutes away from Mizunuma Seaside Station and 1 minute to the sea !


We learn from the basics of the preparatory exercises, we practice on the surfboard and practice on the ground, and when we get to the ocean, we will take the waves when we get to the ocean.

Jade surf
Jade surf

It is a surfing facility along Route 134, Fujisawa-shi, Onuma coast.


This is a popular surfing course for those who say that they are "early" or "something".


Surf shop, and you should consult with your friends, school, repairs, and so on.


We distribute information about wave information and the latest log board mainly in Shonan, and it is a regular import agency of Gatto / Club / Dano / Dewiver / Harbor / Elmo / BMT / Mad Garder / Bad man.

Share Surf room
Share Surf room

Home for Kugenuma surfers x Space to enjoy activities. Share Surf Room provides all the facilities and home you need to surf in Kugenuma. It also provides freelance space to be rented out for any occasion, not limited to surfing. The cozy space, with the glimpse of sea breeze is a perfect atmosphere to invite in soul and minds alike.

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