Da Hua Jiao: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Boao Hainan, China (博鳌镇) • 40km
5 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
海南博鳌白金湾 • 43km
5 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
Boao Asia Bay, China (博鳌亚洲湾) • 45km
5 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
日月湾 • 38km
6 m/s, Northeast +18 °C, Clear sky
博鳌和悦 • 44km
5 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
Shimei Bay • 30km
5 m/s, Northeast +19 °C, Partly cloudy
大洲岛 • 16km
9 m/s, Northeast +21 °C, Partly cloudy

China top spots

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