JK: weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

Shirahamarinkai, Japan (白浜臨海) • 12km
7 m/s, North +6 °C, Clear sky
Yankigahama, Japan (煙樹ヶ浜) • 37km
10 m/s, North +6 °C, Partly cloudy
Wakayama Bay, Japan (和歌山湾) • 44km
15 m/s, North +8 °C, Partly cloudy
東京湾 • 15km
5 m/s, North +5 °C, Clear sky
周参見 • 17km
7 m/s, North +7 °C, Partly cloudy
ブイ • 8km
11 m/s, North +7 °C, Partly cloudy
田辺湾 • 15km
6 m/s, North +6 °C, Clear sky

Japan top spots


Divers bay
Divers bay

Please enjoy the time in Nanki Shirahama, such as the fish market (fresh fish market), diving, restaurant, beer garden, cafe, family fishing, etc.

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