港珠澳大橋(珠海段): weather statistics and wind history

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Nearby spots

7 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky
Upper Cheung Sha Beach, Hong Kong (上長沙泳灘) • 20km
6 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky
Shenzhen, China (深圳市) • 33km
7 m/s, Northeast +15 °C, Clear sky
Shui Hau Wan, Hong Kong (水口灣沙泥灘) • 18km
7 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky
Macau, Macau (澳門) • 24km
9 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky
Cheung Chau, Hong Kong (長洲) • 29km
6 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky
Discovery Bay, Hong Kong (愉景灣) • 28km
6 m/s, Northeast +16 °C, Clear sky

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