What are your favorite outdoor activities?
Power boating
Winter Sport
Other Activities
Make a business profile if you want to offer services or products to other users and members of the community. This is a great way to present yourself in the app. If someone is interested in services, he/she can open your account, and contact you.
So let's learn how to do business with Windy.app step-by-step from this short guide.
To do so tap Menu bar on the Home screen, then "Login" button. Then sign up with e-mail and password, or login with Facebook, Google or Apple ID.
Congratulations, now you have an account in Windy.app!
Before creating a business profile, you need to create a personal profile. You need a personal profile before you create a business profile so that you can always return to it from the business profile clicking the “Remove” button. And vice versa.
And what is more importantly, both profiles allow you to save your favorite spots, wind alerts, custom weather profiles and... offers to your customers.
In the profile, write your name or nickname, download your photo for the avatar, select your sport(s).
Now create a business profile clicking on the green button with the same phrase. Write your business name this time, a short description of yourself or your company, download logo, if you have one, or any other avatar.
Select types of services you offer (school, private instructor, tours, transfer) and sports you work with.
Add your contacts and social networks, specify your location if it is important for a customer.
Preview profile to see how it looks like. If everything went well, the green icon BIZ will appear right to your company's name in Windy.app. That's how other users will understand, that you are a business offering products and/or services.
Click on "Add special offer" button at the end of your business profile page.
Write contact name, phone, business email, website. Choose you location, business type and sport type.
You offer will appear on the spot's page depending on the chosen location.
There is a community of 15+ million of user worldwide in Windy.app, with whom you can communicate and share your experiences every day.
In the app you can communicate with users in chats — they are on almost every spot. The bigger and more popular the spot, the more people in the chat. In the chat, you can also ask for advice or share your personal experience: what wind is on the spot now? When is the best time to come to it? And so on.
The second way to communicate is in the community. This is something like Instagram in the application, where you can post pictures and write small messages, give likes and comments. Tell the community about yourself, introduce your products and service (but not too intrusive, otherwise all the users will scatter, just kidding).
Creating a business profile in the app and communicating with users in chats and community is just the beginning of working with the Windy.app team. There are at least a few other options that will help you dive more into our specifics and find your audience. For example:
Text: Windy.app team
Cover photo: helena-lopes / unsplash
Learn more about each of these and other ways to collaborate
Guide to Windy.app Community. Be active — be Pro