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Luoghi vicini

Algarrobo, Chile • 45km
2 m/s, North +14 °C, Partly cloudy
La Boca, Concon, Chile • 5km
2 m/s, Northeast +13 °C, Partly cloudy
Maitencillo, Chile • 36km
2 m/s, Northeast +14 °C, Partly cloudy
Viña del Mar - Reñaca beach • 3km
2 m/s, Northeast +13 °C, Partly cloudy
Vina del Mar, Chile (Viña del Mar) • 9km
2 m/s, Northeast +14 °C, Partly cloudy
Ritoque, Chile • 13km
2 m/s, Northeast +14 °C, Partly cloudy
La Boca Con Con • 4km
2 m/s, Northeast +13 °C, Partly cloudy

Chile top spots


Escuela de Buceo Silencio Azul
Escuela de Buceo Silencio Azul

We deliver knowledge, it only remains to you to discover the fascinating world of scuba diving.

Pesca Aventura
Pesca Aventura

Shop items, accessories and implements for Fishing and Hunting , we also have the service of Fishing trips.


We are located in Valparaiso, cradle of shipwrecks. We perform baptisms submarines, diving led, diving courses with international accreditation

Fabulosos Kayaks
Fabulosos Kayaks

Kayaking adventures.


Diving center, school, and services submarine.

PDV Sailing Group Sailing School
PDV Sailing Group Sailing School

PDV Sailing Group Sailing School is specialized in offering the general public all the services of recreation, events, sport, tourism and training linked with the world of sailing, kayaking.

Tamarugo Dive
Tamarugo Dive

We are a Diving Center dedicated to teaching excellence in diving and organise and carry out expeditions to high-level.

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