The sea season began with a high note in the Association sportif nautique de Quiberon (ASNQ) last weekend Easter with the organization of three competitions at the weekend. And this was just the beginning! From the P'tits Bouchons Raid flight this weekend for the Teignouse Cup in May, at the courses and trainings for these school holidays, the club's activity is continuous, which currently employs six people all year round, not to mention summer reinforcements.
Naviguez en toute liberté dans un environnement sécurisé en louant planche à voile, stand up paddle, kayak, dériveurs, catamarans.
The nautical spots replace the Beach Passion Points in Brittany! More spots, more activities, discover the services offered in the 54 labeled centers! With family, with friends or with friends, many activities will be offered for an hour, an afternoon or more if you wish. Our rental, walking and coaching formulas that we have been putting in place for many years in our centers, are labeled by the Brittany League of Sailing and the French Sailing Federation.
Escale très fréquentée parce qu’idéalement située à l’entrée de la baie de Quiberon, Port-Haliguen n’est qu’à 3 miles de la Teignouse, 12 de Belle-Ile, 9 du Crouesty, 7 de La Trinité. A pied, le centre de Quiberon et tous ses commerces sont à dix minutes de marche.
ARMORIQUE Diffusion offers the following boats, which can be hired in Port Halleguen in Quiberon, or in La Trinite Sur Mer
The Yacht Club is also a club house, where members like to meet each other around a small friendly regatta, a raid in Houat or in the Gulf of Morbihan, an evening
Le Yacht Club de Quiberon organise des régates ou évènements voile entreprise, voile fédérale. Idéalement placé à Port Haliguen, le YCQ propose une organisation globale ou personnalisée : 1. Comité de course expérimenté, jury, résultats, remise des prix. 2. Parcours techniques et côtiers élaborés. 3. Accompagnement VIP ou invités, restauration, hébergement et animations.
QUIBERON PLONGEE BRETAGNE "The right dive in the right place at the right time" "The guarantee of a successful exit"