바람 및 파도 날씨 예보는 Muriwai, New Zealand, New Zealand 지역 풍속, 방향, 돌풍에 대한 자세한 정보를 알려드립니다. 파도 예보에는 파도 높이 및 주기가 포함됩니다. Windy.app은 또한 기온, 기압, 운량, 강수량 및 조류와 같은 일반적인 일기 예보를 제공합니다.
이 예보들은 Muriwai, New Zealand은(는) GFS 모델 기반으로 하며 윈드서핑, 카이트서핑, 항해 및 기타 익스트림 스포츠 활동을 위해 만들어졌습니다. 모든 업데이트는 하루에 4번 이루어집니다. 예측은 최대 10일 동안 1 - 3시간 동안 사용할 수 있습니다.
Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW .
There is Thermal and Frontal wind at Muriwai.
South and South West prevailing wind makes sideonshore. Winter blows pretty hard. Strong, often gusty winds with 20 knots average. In summer, daily sea breezes are a frustrating 10-14kts with more offshore (NE) and no wind days. Best direction for wave riding NW and SE, but SW is fine too.
Wind usually blows from SSE, S, SSW, SW and NW on the spot.
The best moments to come to Muriwai are June, July, August and September.
Super long, black, soft sand surf beach. Heaps of room on the mid to low tide, less on full tide, but sand dunes and forest behind. The beach is about 50km long and ends at a harbor entrance. The northern tip of Muriwai Beach is out of bounds due to being a Defence Bombing Range - trespassers are often prosecuted.
Recommended for intermediate to advanced riders, competent in most conditions.. The waves are generally pretty big and heavy. Waves break about 3-500m offshore and re-form on the inside which provides some good shallow flat water areas between the broken waves. Caution there are some very strong currents and rips at this beach, if you drop your kite in the surf, you need to be very competent at a quick relaunch or ditch your gear if it gets caught by a wave - a kitesurfer and numerous fisherman have drowned here. Not recommended for beginners. Don't kite between the Surf Lifeguard Flags!!
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