Dragør previsão do tempo e mapa do vento ao vivo

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Dragør previsão do tempo e mapa do vento ao vivo

Previsão meteorológica do vento e das ondas para Sylten, Denmark contém informação detalhada sobre a velocidade do vento local, direção e rajadas de vento. A previsão das ondas inclui a altura e periodicidade das ondas. Windy.app também fornece previsões meteorológicas gerais: temperatura, pressão do ar, cobertura de nuvens, precipitação, e marés.

Estas previsões para Sylten baseiam-se no modelo GFS e foram criadas para a prática de windsurf, kitesurf, vela e outras atividades desportivas radicais. Todos os dados são atualizados 4 vezes por dia. As previsões estão disponíveis em intervalos de 1 a 3 horas, até um máximo de 10 dias.

Closest meteostation (2.36km):

Mapa do vento ao vivo

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Spots próximos

Amager Strandpark, Copenhagen, Denmark • 8km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Sydvestpynten, Dragor, Denmark • 7km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Copenhagen, Denmark (København) • 12km
5 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Niva, Denmark (Nivå) • 40km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Lundakra Harbor, Sweden (Lundåkrahamnen) • 33km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Light rain
Lommabukten, Sweden • 25km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy
Malmo, Sweden (Malmö) • 11km
6 m/s, Southwest +8 °C, Partly cloudy



Surfshop, Kite, Wind, Paddle, SUP surf værksted og surfskole i Amager Strandpark. Danmarks grundigste kurser. Vi sikre dig du kommer godt fra start.

Billigt Fiskegrej
Billigt Fiskegrej

The store is in partnership with Powerplay, which is responsible for daily work

Kingfish Dive & Travel
Kingfish Dive & Travel

Our experienced ringleaders are with you all the time from your first test dive, until you get a certificate in hand.


Find the hunting equipment that you lack, and skip here in UVjagtPro.dk. Our online store offers equipment for spearfishing at affordable and reasonable prices. As a seller of hunting equipment under water, we focus on quality and durability. Welcome to the site.

Kiteskolen www.lars47.dk
Kiteskolen www.lars47.dk

We are experts in this and we have many students who have had bad experiences, were in big teams or just wanted to get the best lessons they can get.

Surftour Kiteskole
Surftour Kiteskole

Kiteskolen is open all year round. We train Amager, in which there are some best whales in Denmark. It is known that ungulates are very safe and beginners, which makes Copenhagen one of the best places to study kite surfing

Copenhagen Boat Rent
Copenhagen Boat Rent

Boat rental


ScubaGearer et dykkercenter, hvor du altid finder udstyr, service, kurser og ture af høj kvalitet.

Dykkerklubben Goplerne
Dykkerklubben Goplerne

Our ambitions are blah. to be a very active and open club where we like to plan trips and events together with other clubs.

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