Amager Strandpark, Copenhagen, Denmark: estatísticas meteorológicas e história do vento

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Actividade Spot Popular — Fazer kitesurf

Melhor estação

Janeiro — Novembro

Melhor estação

Direções do vento para a prática

Direções do vento para a prática

Nível de prática


Nível de prática

Tamanhos de kite

9, 11

Tamanhos de kite

Spots próximos

Sydvestpynten, Dragor, Denmark • 11km
10 m/s, West +6 °C, Light rain
Copenhagen, Denmark (København) • 5km
9 m/s, West +5 °C, Light rain
Niva, Denmark (Nivå) • 32km
9 m/s, West +5 °C, Light rain
Lundakra Harbor, Sweden (Lundåkrahamnen) • 26km
9 m/s, West +5 °C, Light rain
Lommabukten, Sweden • 24km
9 m/s, West +5 °C, Light rain
Malmo, Sweden (Malmö) • 12km
11 m/s, West +6 °C, Light rain

Denmark top spots


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Sport Dres ApS

I mere end 40 år har vores forretnings ide været kvalitetsgrej til enhver form for fiskeri. Gode priser, kæmpe udvalg, knowhow og høj service er givetvis væsentlige årsager til vores position som Danmarks største grejbutik.

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Our experienced ringleaders are with you all the time from your first test dive, until you get a certificate in hand.

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Discover the world from a boat! Boatflex makes it possible to rent boats directly from the boat owner. Worlds first fully insured peer to peer platform.

In RTS-Kitesurfing, you get the best start to your kitesurfing. On weekdays, weekends and holidays, courses are held throughout the CBK

Copenhagen Boat Rent
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Boat rental

Dykkergitte - Dykkerskolen i DGI-byen
Dykkergitte - Dykkerskolen i DGI-byen

At DykkerGitte we are proud to introduce you and give you experience under the surface. PADI 5 Star IDD Resort - one of the only diving centers in Denmark with certification, we can offer you a high-quality education.

Vi tilbyder PADI dykkerkurser, salg af dykkerudstyr, dykkerture i danske farvande, prøvedyk samt dykkerrejser. Undervisning tæt ved søerne i København.

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